ZALORA, Asia’s Online Fashion Destination, unveiled its collaboration with Malaysia’s renowned fashion designer, Rizalman Ibrahim, with a collection that celebrates the designer’s penchant for modern elegance. Rizalman for ZALORA is available on and from the 27th May and offers fashionistas across Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei the chance to own Rizalman’s latest collection. Rizalman’s signature form-fitting cuts and elegant ‘kurungs’ take center stage in this collection, as the designer presents new and fresh ideas to traditional dressing for the festive season and everyday wear.
Embellishments are kept minimal as Rizalman focused on the use of beautiful and innovative fabrics to elevate the elegance of each piece. Jersey, lace, crepe silk and georgette silk are used generously in addition to laces and metallic elements that create an old-world sophistication that only Rizalman could have recreated. Exquisitely printed fabric of specially-made patterns and classic ‘animalier’ prints break the monotony of the collection, perfect for fans of drama and pop- music culture. Rizalman for ZALORA also saw the designer exploring new areas of design – the play of proportions and challenging classic designs with new twists from conversation pieces.
Outfits are given a modern uplift whilst maintaining the ladylike sensibility in their designs. “We are excited to present yet another stunning collection from the immensely talented Rizalman. Year after year we are not only enthralled by his designs but also the creative landscape he creates for the collection – this year being his directorial debut with the short film ‘Lara’,” says Managing Director of ZALORA, Giulio Xiloyannis.
The collection was showcased during the Rizalman for ZALORA fashion show, held at the iconic Chin Woo Stadium. The landmark was transformed into ‘Cinema Rizalman’, and also played host to the screening of ‘Lara’. Rizalman’s directorial debut stars the legendary Fauziah Nawi, and one of the country’s most popular actresses, Scha Alyahya. The cinematic masterpiece was shot in Malaysia and Turkey, and features the stars in Rizalman for ZALORA outfits. 2015 also marks Rizalman’s 20th year in fashion. He recently launched his first coffee table book entitled ‘Backstage’ – a photographic chronicle of his 20 years in the fashion industry, with exclusive behind-the-scene images and iconic looks familiar to his legion of fans. ‘Backstage’ can also be purchased at